NAZCA - The White Wheel
CD 9 tracks (Heavy Rock US / France - Réunion Island) 2003
01. The Great Masquerade 4’38
02. Papers & Screens 6’13
03. Child of Guyana 5’32
04. Little King 4’14
05. Reaching Your Soul 8’12
06. Angel in Me 6’08
07. Atlantis 5’21
08. Winds of Fear 6’40
09. Strange 6’55
NAZCA was founded in 1993, in Le Tampon, Reunion Island, Indian Ocean. The band performs island-wide and strengthened by this experience, has the chance of being invited in Germany, to the Schullerock Festival of Wuppertal in 1995. NAZCA’s four titles “Reaching Your Soul” quite logically follows. It is released in july 1997 and the national and international medias are favourably surprised and impressed. NAZCA keeps playing on and on, and is top of the charts for the Nuits du Rock of Port-Louis, Mauritius Island that same year.
Then meetings take place that are to become decisive : first, Didier Brazda from Black Cat label, then Harrag from Electrochoc radio show on Horizon FM, and Alain Ricard from Brennus Records, among others.
Thanks to them and despite delays due to the respective occupations of the musicians, the recording of a new CD becomes possible. The financial support of the Region Reunion, the Pôle Régional des Musiques Actuelles, the Oasis Studio and various sponsors was invaluable in making the project a realty.
In february 2000 Dennis Ward joins the band for a two weeks-studio’ sessions. One of NAZCA’s song, released on a PRMA compilation and a demo of nine more songs had more than caught his specialist ear : he was drawn by the melodious quality of the metal music wich is one of NAZCA’s hallmarks. All the more so as Nazca composes, performes and lives in one of the far, exotic corner of the world, at the back of beyond. Between the mixes of Vanden Plas and Angra, the name NAZCA was fast acquiring a new dimension.
It is only in january 2001 however that NAZCA’s 1st album “The White Wheel” is ready for release. The whims and fancies of some computers having largely contributed to hindering the process of mixing the intros and special effects, not to mention that the musicians have their regular jobs.
Finally a miracle happens by three people : Ivan Sudres from the Hémisphère Sud Company who agreed to co-produce the CD, while Alain Ricard agreed to distribute it, and Stefan Glas, a famous German journalist who decided to include NAZCA’s song “The Great Masquerade” in the Compilation “Metal Crusade Vol 5” of the magazine Heavy, oder was !? - 40 000 copies issued - on december 18, 2002. Thanks to him too, NAZCA also appears on the the websites of the German magazines Rockhard and Underground Empire.
The national release is due on march 2003 and our German friends appear to be growing very found of NAZCA ! France will hopefully follow suit and will very likely give this French group from overseas the warm welcome it will deserves.