DESILLUSION - Esprit Maudit 14.00 € (#3953)

DESILLUSION - Esprit Maudit
CD 11 tracks including 1 bonus (Melodic Heavy Metal / France) 2008
01. Intro 1’14
02. Esprit Maudit 5’32
03. Prisonnier des Ténèbres 5’39
04. Dernier Combat 5’54
05. Fin d’une Vie 6’09
06. Loin de Notre Temps 7’57
07. Jack l’Eventreur 4’06
08. Des Illusions 7’12
09. Précarité 7’10
10. Rock’N’Roll Secours 4’35
... Rock’N’Roll 3’35

Here is once more the proof that Heavy Metal "made in France” goes well !
With "Esprit Maudit”, the Normans of Désillusion offer an album with melodic riffs, lively chorus and technical guitar solos, the whole served by a powerful singer having nothing to envy his Anglo-Saxon counterparts. (The resumption of "Rock’N’Roll” of Led Zeppelin is moreover the proof there).
But Désillusion is not only that. It is also a band of merry lads among which the Rock’n’Roll spirit and the communicative cheerfulness leave nobody indifferent and take all their dimension in concert. Formed at the end of 1999, and after some changes of line-up, Jimmy (singer), Yvon (bass), Séb (guitar) and Olivier (Drum) are going to skim concert rooms and festivals together with numerous combos such as Revenge, Malédiction, Darknation, Bonfire...
After "Vision d’Apocalypse” its first sound recording experience, the band greets in 2006 Félix’s arrival, young troublemaker of the guitar.
Now it’s time to think about the second opus... It is something made at the beginning of 2008, the quintet locks itself in the studio La Grange 69, under the leadership of Marc Varez (producer and drummer of Blackstone and ex-Vulcain). After some weeks of intensive work and of memorable "Rock’n’Roll” evenings, "Esprit Maudit” is finally born. The album includes 9 songs (Of course "Esprit Maudit”, "Jack l’Eventreur”, "Des Illusions”…) and two resumptions ("Rock’n’Roll Secours” - Vulcain and "Rock’n’Roll’ - Led Zeppelin). For the occasion some guests came to give a hand on several titles : Olivier (singer of Darknation), Deborah Lee and finally Marc Varez behind the barrels (and the microphone choirs) on an anthological ‘Rock’n’Roll Secours’ !
The French Heavy Metal possesses henceforth a new group of which he can be proud : Désillusion !

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