DEMONTOOL - Soleil Rouge 14.00 € (#3882)

DEMONTOOL - Soleil Rouge
CD 10 titres (Heavy Speed Metal en français / France) 2008

01. Soleil Rouge 6’05
02. La Naissance du Mal 4’28
03. Reine de Beautée 4’37
04. Une Vie éternelle 5’15
05. Vampires 5’07
06. Récidiviste 6’48
07. Gladiateurs 5’04
08. Sacrifié 4’16
09. Règne du feu 5’04
10. Sorcier 4’58

Formed in 2003 on Nico's (bass) and Chris (vocals) initiative, the band develops its own identity in 2004 with the arrival of Nils as lead guitar and Jerome on drums. The following years allowed DemonTool to build his musical style, based on sharp, heavy or more lively rhythmic, and French vocals.
The bands cohesion in the beginning of the year 2008, the mixture of each member's influences and ambitions led to the self-production of the album "Soleil Rouge": Red Sun.
The final touch: Rodolphe's integration as 2nd guitarist in 2008 allows DemonTool to show live an energy and vocal tones which make hesitate on the stamping "Heavy " or "Thrash" and seems, according to the critics, to satisfy both currents lovers…
First Album: Soleil Rouge (Red Sun)
With the first album "Soleil Rouge", Red Sun, DEMONTOOL tried to focus a confluence of inspirations, tones and modern techniques while preserving the energy and the "root" aspect of 80's Heavy Metal bands. Furious Rhythmic and lead guitars, as well as the French vocals and chorus which must be shouted and roared are the trademark of the album Red Sun and DemonTool.

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